Inform Your Children of Online Risks
Make it clear to your child that they can come to you with any queries or worries about any actions or issues they may have had while using the computer. Children should also be informed about the risks associated with the internet so that they can spot any unusual behavior or activities. Talk about the advantages of just interacting and exchanging information with individuals they know, as well as the hazards of disclosing certain sorts of information (such as the fact that they are home alone). The intention is to increase their awareness, not to frighten them. Make careful to bring up cyberbullying in these conversations.
Cyberbullying Is an Increasing Issue
The use of technology to harass or bully someone else is known as cyberbullying. Bullies previously had to limit themselves to verbal or physical threats, mail, or the phone, but today’s computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile devices give bullies access to online communities through email, instant messaging, web pages, and digital images. Threats, harassment, and stalking are some of the more severe types of cyberbullying, along with harsh or embarrassing rumors. Any age group can be affected, but teens and young adults are the most common victims, and cyberbullying is an increasing issue in schools.
Bullies Like the Internet’s Relative Anonymity
Even while bullying is a sad reality that most people outgrow, there is evidence that it may be a precursor to violent behavior. Bullies like the internet’s relative anonymity because it makes intimidation more effective and makes it harder to track their activity. Due to the lack of personal interaction, some bullies also find it simpler to be more vengeful. The behavior may become more visible thanks to the internet and email. Compared to more conventional means, information or images shared online or forwarded in bulk emails can reach a bigger audience faster, doing greater harm to the victims. Because so much personal information is readily available online, bullies might be able to pick their victims at random.
Talk to Your Kids About Their Internet Activity
Children should be taught how to use technology safely and to be responsible online. Bullies that you or your child do not know can be avoided by limiting access to contact information and data about interests, routines, and jobs. This could reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim and make it simpler to find the bully if you or your child is the victim. Talk to your kids about their internet activity frequently to give them the confidence to inform you if they’ve been a victim online. If your child’s behavior changes, attempt to find the root of the problem as quickly as you can. If cyberbullying is present, taking action quickly can minimize the harm.
Children Often Make Mistakes
It’s possible that standard online security precautions are insufficient. Due to their inherent traits of innocence, curiosity, independence, and fear of punishment, children pose additional difficulties. When deciding how to safeguard your information and the child, you must take into account these traits. It’s easy to believe that a youngster can’t hurt someone if they are just engaged in innocent activities like playing a game, doing research for a term paper, or typing up a homework project. But what if a child accidentally deletes a crucial program file while saving their paper? What if they accidentally access a harmful website and a virus is installed on your computer as a result? Children often make mistakes, but they may not be aware of what they’ve done or may choose not to tell you what happened out of fear of punishment.
Separate Accounts and Limited Access
The majority of operating systems let you set up separate user accounts for every user. You can create a separate account for your child and limit their access and privileges if you’re concerned that they might unintentionally access, edit, and/or delete your data. You must be particularly careful with your security settings if you don’t have different accounts. You should restrict the capability of your browser and refrain from allowing it to save passwords and other private data. Additionally, it’s crucial to always maintain your antivirus and malware programs and keep them upgraded.
Restrict Your Child’s Use of the Internet
Make sure your youngster is aware of the restrictions placed on their use of the internet. These restrictions should be in line with the child’s age, maturity, and level of understanding, but they could also include guidelines for what websites, software programs, and chores or activities they are permitted to perform while using the computer. If your computer is close to a lot of people, it will be simple for you to keep an eye on what they are doing on it. This accessibility not only prevents kids from doing something they know they’re not supposed to do, but it also offers you the chance to step in if you see a behavior that can have unfavorable effects.
Parental Controls and Content Filtering
Be mindful of everything your youngster does online, including the websites they visit. Try to determine who they are communicating with via email, instant messaging, or social networks to see whether they genuinely know them. Within your browser, you might be able to establish some parental controls. You can utilize additional tools to oversee and/or restrict your child’s internet behavior. Some ISPs provide services aimed at safeguarding children online, such as DNS content filtering. To find out if any of these services are offered, get in touch with your ISP. You can install specialized software applications on your computer as well. You can choose the program that best meets your demands by comparing its features and capabilities.
Document and Report Serious Incidents
All online activity should be documented, including emails, web pages, instant messaging, and texts with pertinent dates and times. Report the incident if you or your child is being intimidated or harassed. There may be rules in place at the school for handling student-involved behavior. Although each law enforcement agency has a different set of rules, contacting your local police station or FBI branch is a smart place to start. An aggressive response will probably incite a bully and cause the situation to worsen. Because bullies live on the response of their victims, think about ignoring the situation. By changing your email address, you might be able to prevent the messages or halt spam emails. You might have a stronger case for legal action if you still receive emails at the new email address. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2022 Arthur Dellea