This tutorial will help you to configure the ionCube loader with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system.
We assume you already have PHP installed on your Ubuntu system. If not, you can follow these instructions to install required PHP version.
Step 1 – Download Ioncube Loader
First of all download the latest ioncube loaders php modules from ioncube from ioncube download page. Alternatively you can also use following command to download ioncube loaders. Also extract the downloaded archive under /usr/local directory.
Step 2 – Find Correct PHP.ini
It is important to find the correct php configuration file (php.ini) to enable ionCube for that only. The php -i command provides you the details information about the active php version on command line interface. You can grep the php.ini location by running command: But, might be Apache have been configured with the another version of the PHP. To find that you need to put a phpinfo(); file on server web server document root.
By default PHP stored configuration files at the following location. For example, the configuration files for the PHP 7.4 are stored at below location
/etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini #for PHP CLI /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini #for PHP FPM /etc/php/7.3/apache/php.ini #for PHP with Apache
Step 3 – Configure ionCube Loader in PHP
Now, edit the required PHP configuration files or you may update in all the configuration files found above. Append the below code to the end of the files based on your PHP version. Make sure to replace /usr/local/ioncube/ file path with your matching PHP version file.
Step 4 – Test Configuration
All done. You have added ionCube settings to your php configuration. To verify the configuration, type: You will see that ionCube PHP loader has been configured with your PHP version. Similarly, to view configuration for Apache use phpinfo() file.
In this tutorial, you have learned to install and configure ionCube PHP Loader on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system.