1. Computing Power
Computing power will increase and be more efficient. It will be more accessible and affordable for everyday consumers, researchers and businesses alike. By the end of 2022, it’s expected that computing power will become more reliable as well—with less crashes and bugs in apps on mobile devices or computers with integrated chipsets (as opposed to single-board computers). This means that you’ll be able to rely on your computer without having to worry about damaging its hardware components or breaking down from overheating during long sessions of intensive multitasking; instead of worrying about whether or not your laptop can handle an upcoming project deadline, you’ll know how much time is left until midnight before deciding whether or not it’s safe enough for sleep while still being able to get work done later today!
2. Smarter Devices
Smart devices will be more common, more intelligent and more personalised. This means they will collect more data on us and make our lives easier by doing things like reminding us when we need to leave for work or alerting us if our car is about to be vandalised. Smart devices will also become increasingly integrated into our lives in other ways: Combining voice assistants with smart watches, for example, can allow you to control your home security system without having to pull out your phone (or even wearing it at all). Another trend is that of connectedness—smart homes are becoming smarter than ever before thanks to the integration of IoT technologies into everyday appliances such as refrigerators and dishwashers!
3. Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a new computing technology that uses quantum bits (qubits) to store information. A qubit can be in one of two states at once, which allows it to process multiple logic operations simultaneously. This feature makes quantum computers much faster than classical computers, which use only one state at a time. Traditional binary computers are based on transistors that can be turned on or off by voltage; they’re like switches that let current pass through them when there’s electricity flowing through them. In contrast, qubits work differently because instead of having just two possible states—on or off—quantum states are both 0 and 1 simultaneously; this means they don’t need any voltage because the particles’ spins always point toward either vertical or horizontal position whether you measure something with an instrument called a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device).
4. Datafication
Datafication is the new oil. Data is being collected everywhere, on everyone, and all of us. And if you think that’s bad, just wait until the end of 2022 and beyond: It will become impossible to live without your smart device—your phone or laptop or tablet or whatever else you use to communicate with other people—because everything, from where you buy groceries to how much time you spend watching video games, will be stored in the cloud. In other words: If computers can become self-aware and make decisions based on those decisions (which they already do), then why shouldn’t we make them even smarter?
5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are two of the most popular technologies in use today. AI is a broad term that covers a range of technologies, including machine learning and deep learning. In simple terms, AI helps us process, analyze and interpret data. It can be used in many industries—from healthcare to finance to retail—to improve customer experiences or make better business decisions based on data analysis.
6. Extended Reality
Extended reality (XR) is the ability to interact with virtual worlds, objects, and people in real time. It’s different from virtual reality (VR), which can only be experienced through a computer screen or headset. XR has many potential benefits for businesses and consumers alike: It can help you work more efficiently by giving you access to all of your business data anywhere at any time via an app on your phone or tablet. This means that instead of having to wait for email replies from colleagues who are miles away from their desks, they’ll be able to respond immediately—and perhaps even more effectively than if they were physically present together!
7. Digital Trust
Digital trust is the trust we place in the digital world, and how we interact with it. It’s not just about technology; it’s about people and companies, too. The first step to building digital trust is understanding what you’re building for yourself—and who you’re building it for. This means looking at your business goals, needs and objectives in light of your target audience(s) before launching any product or service on their behalf!
8. 3D Printing
3D printing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. It’s often referred to as additive manufacturing, but it’s not the same thing as injection molding or other types of metalworking processes. Instead, 3D printers use plastic or other materials to build up an object layer by layer until it’s complete. 3D printers can be used for many purposes: Architects use them to create models of buildings; engineers use them to test prototypes without building anything physical first; and students at universities use them in their classes to learn how they work before building something on their own time (like this one!).
9. Genomics
Genomics is a relatively new technology that uses DNA sequencing to identify genetic mutations in human cells. The goal of genomics research is to understand how genetic changes affect different aspects of our health and well-being. Recent advances have led to this field becoming one of the most promising areas for health care innovation in 2022, as it allows for more effective treatments for many diseases. Genomics can be used for both personal health care and agricultural applications by identifying genes involved with specific diseases or conditions (for example, cystic fibrosis), then developing drugs based on these findings that target specific targets in cells rather than just treating symptoms overall (as antibiotics do). The environmental impact could also be reduced through genomics—for example, gene editing techniques could prevent certain types of plant disease caused by viruses like cucumber mosaic virus or potato leaf roll virus while simultaneously increasing crop yields without affecting diversity among plants.
10. New Energy Solutions
Renewable energy sources are the future of energy, and we’re already seeing them in use. Hydrogen fuel cells are a new way to generate power from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Fuel cell technology uses hydrogen gas to produce electricity through chemical reactions instead of burning fossil fuels or nuclear power plants. This means it can harness both solar and wind power without needing any back-up batteries or fuel sources like coal or natural gas do today.* New battery technology could also revolutionize how we use electricity—and potentially even eliminate traditional electric grids altogether!
11. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software-based technology that automates tasks and workflow. It uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns in data and make decisions based on these patterns, allowing it to perform many activities on its own. RPA can be used for a wide variety of business processes, including data entry, accounting, customer service and salesforce automation—allowing companies to eliminate repetitive tasks from their operations with minimal human intervention. The benefits of using robotic process automation include:
Lower cost per employee Improved efficiency through automation
12. Edge Computing
Edge computing is the processing and storage of data at the edge of a network, rather than at a centralized data center. It’s also known as fog computing or ambient intelligence. Edge computing is a form of distributed computing that can be used to perform tasks more efficiently by using off-the-shelf hardware like sensors and routers instead of server farms. This allows for greater flexibility in using resources on demand, which allows organizations to operate more effectively without having to worry about where their servers will be located or how much capacity they need stored locally (or offsite).
13. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two technologies that will see a lot of innovation in the coming years. VR is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment, which can be viewed through various devices such as headsets, gloves and glasses. AR is a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. There are many applications for these developments—from gaming to training soldiers in combat situations—but they have also been used more broadly by companies like Google to develop products like their Pixel phones, which take advantage of both systems together.
14. Blockchain
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that was first introduced in 2009. It uses encryption and cryptography to ensure the security of data on a network. The technology has many potential applications, including providing secure financial transactions, tracking goods between manufacturers and consumers, verifying identity documents and making records searchable by anyone with access to it. The advantages of blockchain include:
15. Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity, which enable these objects to connect and exchange data. It’s big business because it offers new ways to make money. The IoT is also changing our lives in other ways as well: Driverless cars will reduce congestion on our roads; artificial intelligence-powered smart speakers can help us find information quickly; 3D printing will let us print out anything we need without having to go out for supplies; wearables like fitness trackers are going beyond monitoring your progress towards fitness goals by helping you make better decisions about your health.
16. 5G
5G will be faster than 4G, more reliable and secure and enable new applications, industries and business models.
Promise and Peril
These technologies will have a major impact on the way we interact with the world in 2022. It’s no secret that new technologies are making waves in the tech world. They promise to bring us closer together, but also expose us to new risks and dangers. We’re excited by what they might mean for us, but also concerned that they could be used against us. This is why it’s so important that we take these innovations seriously before they become mainstream—and that we work together as a global community to ensure their safety and security. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Maina Wilson